Here you go, I made this shortcode to display any custom post type within your post or page. You can also use do_shortcode function to use this shortcode inside your php file.
Insert the following code inside your theme's functions.php and let the wordpress know about this newly created shortcode by add_shortcode() function.
[display_cpt cpt="projects"] will display all the posts within your projects custom post type.
Insert the following code inside your theme's functions.php and let the wordpress know about this newly created shortcode by add_shortcode() function.
function display_cpt_fx($atts) { extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'cpt' => 'posts', 'ppp' => '-1', //-1 = show all posts; 0 or above = post per page 'orderby' => 'ASC', 'title' => 'linked', // linked, unlinked, true, false 'content' => 'true', 'limit_post' => '300', 'post_cont' => '...', 'img' => '3,medium,linked,class', //0 = no image; 1 = wrapper Bg; 2= before title; 3 = after title; 4 = after content //full = full size; medium = medium size; thumbnail = thumbnail size // none = no link to image; linked = image linked to permalink; custom = custom link for image 'img_custom_link' => 'none', //appends when $img link holder is set to custom. url validated. example = 'pagination' => 'true', 'wrapper_before' => '<div class="cpt_wrap">', 'wrapper_after' => '</div>', 'block_before' => '<div class="cpt_item">', 'block_after' => '</div>', 'title_before' => '<h1>', 'title_after' => '</h1>', 'img_before' => "<span>", 'img_after' => "</span>", 'content_before' => "<p>", 'content_after' => "</p>", 'content_after_custom_element' => '', 'callback_fx' => 'callback_fx', 'fb_like' => 'false', 'fb_share' => 'false', 'fb_comments' => 'false,2,470,light', ), $atts ) ); $output = null; $img_link_error_msg = '<span style="background:#f00; color: #fff; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #666;">ERROR: Custom Link is invalid. Please correct it! (Example:</span>'; $bool_img_link_validate = preg_match('|^http(s)?://[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$|i', $img_custom_link); $img = explode(',', $img); $fb_comments = explode(',', $fb_comments); if(!empty($wrapper_before)){ $wrapper_before = explode('>', $wrapper_before); $wrapper_before = $wrapper_before[0] . ' style="clear:both;">'; } if ($pagination == 'true') { $pagination_string = '&paged=' . $paged; } elseif ($pagination == 'false') { $pagination_string =''; } //query $cpt_query = new WP_Query('post_type='.$cpt.'&orderby='.$orderby.'&posts_per_page='.$ppp . $pagination_string); $output = $wrapper_before; //loop while ($cpt_query->have_posts()) : $cpt_query->the_post(); //get the thumbnail if (has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ){ $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), $img[1]); } //Call back arguments defination $call_back_args = array(); array_push($call_back_args, get_the_title(), get_the_content(), get_permalink(get_the_ID()), $image[0] ); //img pos 1 if($img[0] == "1") { $block_before = explode('>', $block_before); $block_before = $block_before[0] . ' style="background:url('. $image[0] .') no-repeat;">'; } $output .= $block_before; //img pos 2 if ($img[0] == "2") { if($img[2]== "linked") { $output .= $img_before . '<a href="'. get_permalink(get_the_ID()) .'"><img class="' . $img[4]. '" src="'. $image[0] .'" /></a>' . $img_after; } elseif($img[2]== "custom" && $img_custom_link == "none") { $output .= $img_before . '<a href="'. get_permalink(get_the_ID()) .'"><img class="' . $img[4]. '" src="'. $image[0] .'" /></a>' . $img_before; } elseif ($img[2]== "custom" && !($img_custom_link == "none")) { if ($bool_img_link_validate) { $output .= $img_before . '<a href="'. $img_custom_link .'"><img class="' . $img[4]. '" src="'. $image[0] .'" /></a>' . $img_after; } else { $output .= $img_link_error_msg; } } elseif($img[2]== "none") { $output .= $img_before . '<img class="' . $img[4]. '" src="'. $image[0] .'" />' . $img_after; } } if ($title == "linked") { $output .= $title_before . '<a href="'. get_permalink(get_the_ID()) .'">' . get_the_title() . '</a>' . $title_after; } elseif ($title == "unlinked") { $output .= $title_before . get_the_title() . $title_after; } elseif ($title == "true") { $output .= get_the_title(); } elseif ($title == "false") {} //img pos 3 if ($img[0] == "3") { if($img[2]== "linked") { $output .= $img_before . '<a href="'. get_permalink(get_the_ID()) .'"><img class="' . $img[4]. '" src="'. $image[0] .'" /></a>' . $img_after; } elseif($img[2]== "custom" && $img_custom_link == "none") { $output .= $img_before . '<a href="'. get_permalink(get_the_ID()) .'"><img class="' . $img[4]. '" src="'. $image[0] .'" /></a>' . $img_after; } elseif ($img[2]== "custom" && !($img_custom_link == "none")) { if ($bool_img_link_validate) { $output .= $img_before . '<a href="'. $img_custom_link .'"><img class="' . $img[4]. '" src="'. $image[0] .'" /></a>' . $img_after; } else { $output .= $img_link_error_msg; } } elseif($img[2]== "none") { $output .= $img_before . '<img class="' . $img[4]. '" src="'. $image[0] .'" />' . $img_after; } } $this_content = get_the_content(); if(!empty($this_content)){ if($limit_post < 0) { $output .= $content_before. $this_content.$content_after; } else { $output .= $content_before. substr($this_content, 0, $limit_post) . '<a href="' . get_permalink(get_the_ID()) .'">' .$post_cont . '</a>' . $content_after; } } $output .= $content_after_custom_element; //img pos 4 if ($img[0] == "4") { if($img[2]== "linked") { $output .= $img_before . '<a href="'. get_permalink(get_the_ID()) .'"><img class="' . $img[4]. '" src="'. $image[0] .'" /></a>' . $img_after; } elseif($img[2]== "custom" && $img_custom_link == "none") { $output .= $img_before . '<a href="'. get_permalink(get_the_ID()) .'"><img class="' . $img[4]. '" src="'. $image[0] .'" /></a>' . $img_after; } elseif ($img[2]== "custom" && !($img_custom_link == "none")) { if ($bool_img_link_validate) { $output .= $img_before . '<a href="'. $img_custom_link .'"><img class="' . $img[4]. '" src="'. $image[0] .'" /></a>' . $img_after; } else { $output .= $img_link_error_msg; } } elseif($img[2] == "none") { $output .= $img_before . '<img class="' . $img[4]. '" src="'. $image[0] .'" />' .$img_after; } } if($fb_like == 'true'){ $output .= '<div class="fb-like" data-href="'.get_permalink().'" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count" data-width="450" data-show-faces="true"></div>'; } if($fb_comments[0] == 'true') { $output .= '<div class="fb-comments" data-href="'.get_permalink().'" data-num-posts="'.$fb_comments[1].'" data-width="'.$fb_comments[2].'" data-colorscheme="'.$fb_comments[3].'"></div>'; } $output .= $block_after; //call back function arguments: title, content, permalink, image url $cb_fx = $callback_fx; $output .= $cb_fx($call_back_args); //call-back function, the f(x) should return some value or empty space. Declare function inside functions.php with a unique name. it accepts 1 argument. endwhile; wp_reset_query(); $output .= $wrapper_after; if ($paged == 'true') { $output .= '<nav>'; $output .= '<span style="float:left">' . previous_posts_link("« Newer") . '</span>'; $output .= '<span style="float:right">' . next_posts_link("Older »") . '</span>'; $output .= '</nav>'; } return $output; } function callback_fx() { return ''; } add_shortcode('display_cpt', 'display_cpt_fx');Use the shortcode [display_cpt] in your post/ page to display the custom post type. By default, the cpt attribute is set to posts. You can modify any attributes change the behavior of this shortcode. For example:
[display_cpt cpt="projects"] will display all the posts within your projects custom post type.
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